Beautiful French bulldog puppies
QAR 1,700
- Type of Animal : Dog
puppies will leave for their forever home with…..
⭐️ fully health check from the vet
⭐️ first vaccination
⭐️ microchip
⭐️ kennel club paperwork
⭐️ kennel club five week insurance
⭐️ DNA paperwork
⭐️ wormed 4,6,8
⭐️ puppy pack containing
⭐️ toy
⭐️ puppy pads
⭐️ food
⭐️ blanket with mums sent on
🚗 I offer a delivery service as well because I know it’s hard if you don’t drive And life is busy don’t hesitate to ask thank you 🚙
Whatsapp +31612817348
- Whatsapp +31612817348